Scripture Reading - Matthew 9:20-22

20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour. KJV

It is always interesting to note that faith plays a major part in our results here on this earth. Our faith is not limited to what it can do for us while we are here on the earth because it also prepares a place for us in Heaven. The subject of faith can be looked at in many ways. One way is the general term of what religion you are. Some will ask, “What faith are you?” referred to what denomination you claim to be a part of. Another term of faith is used as your confession of faith to be a Christian. This is referred to as saving “faith” to become a genuine Christian through the confession of Jesus as your Lord. However, the faith we are discussing in this passage is the mountain moving substance of faith. This can also be referred to as “Having faith in God” explained in Mark 11:22-24 This same term is stated as “Have the faith of God” in the margin of my Holy Bible. This God kind of faith has the inherit ability to call those things which be not as though they were according to Romans 4:17. This substance of faith is much more than a notion because it always has actions (spoken words) corresponding with it’s thoughts. Notice in verse 20 that the woman had a disease (not at ease) within her body. This disease had been present in her body for twelve years. That means this disease had also become a part of her thinking. Anything lasting that long would be considered a mental stronghold as well as a physical aliment. We can also read that the woman did two significant things in verse 20, which is “she came to Him” and “she touch His garment”. Those two things enabled her to “draw out His Power”. First, “she came to Him” which basically means she was drawn (inspired) by the truth of His Words. She was a bona fide believer in the Gospel of Jesus as Christ the Healer. Secondly, she touch His garment” which is tapping into the tangible Presence of God. We commonly refer to this power of God as the Holy Spirit. We must remember that the Spirit of God abode upon Jesus according to Luke 4:18 and Acts 10:38. These two spiritual dynamics will always ignite the flame of God’s power for good. Notice the sequence she came, she touched and she drew the power of God according to the account in Mark 5:30. This did not say Jesus healed her but rather Jesus said “Thy Faith” has made you whole. This is too important to overlook because it was her faith not God’s divine intervention. Yes, dear child of God, “Thy Faith” can make you whole if you will do the same things. Simply come to God’s Word humbly, and then touch the power of God by inwardly saying (firmly believing) I am whole in Jesus Name. After that you will experience the results of being made whole by “thy faith”. Remember faith is more than a confession and much more than a denomination it is the power of God unto Salvation (Wholeness). Just let God’s faith transfer within you to become “Thy Faith” to personally experience the Presence of God in His wholeness. Amen!